The Morning Call front page on November 30 might have featured the attack on two Iranian nuclear scientists on the streets of Tehran. It might have included a column or two on President Obama’s freeze on federal salaries. It could have headlined the upcoming international climate talks. It might have discussed the international implications of continued North Korean saber rattling.
What it did feature, above the fold, was a story about a failed former U.S. Senator discussing “earmarks” in Manchester, New Hampshire. The former senator, Rickie Santorum, has about as much chance of winning the Republican nomination as former mayor Giuliani. Santorum was railing about earmarks, which make up less then 1% of the federal budget, and a non-issue everywhere except in Republican campaigns. And he was making a speech in Manchester, New Hampshire.
I once was so proud to show out-of-state visitors our Morning Call. Now I hide it.