In an Elderhostel class I once taught on environmental issues, I asked the class to list the three biggest environmental problems. (FYI--Elderhostel is a program in which retirees take short courses and have a good time socializing.) I was surprised that over half the class included litter in the top three. I explained that while litter is unsightly and annoying, compared to air pollution, or global climate change, or population increase, it is really rather minor.
I’m not so sure about that any more. It may be a good indicator of how little we humans care about our planet. If you are willing to toss out beer cans and Burger King containers, you probably don’t give a damn about cutting back on your carbon footprint or buying locally-grown food either.
I read that the search teams were having trouble locating the wreckage of the Malaysian plane because so much junk is floating in the ocean that it is hard to pick out airplane debris.
People sometimes label slobs as “pigs.” If you have ever raised pigs, you know they always crap in just one corner of their pen. They are actually fairly clean animals. We aren’t.