I know that some readers of this blog remember Rene Calvo, the owner of the internationally famous B&B known as the Harlem Flophouse. Rene was a volunteer in Carbon County for both Obama campaigns, and he also filmed, edited, and composed the music for our award winning YouTube movie, “Tea Party Chickens.” Another Calvo film, starring Larry Daiell and entitled “Have you been to Hazelton lately,” was a harsh critique of former Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta.
Last summer Rene and his friend Lia stayed with us after hiking from New York to Little Gap on the Appalachian Trail. He brings glamour into our rather mundane lives.
I might add that this blog would not exist if it weren’t for Rene Calvo. What do I know from blogs? Rene set it up and explained to me that if anonymous comments are allowed, people post obscene and vicious messages. That’s is why you have to join to make a comment.
Rene’s band, The Goddess Lakshmi, is about to go on tour. In conjunction with the tour, the group has released a video on YouTube entitled “The Mystery “ by The Goddess Lakshmi. Check it out. That wonderful guitar player is Rene Calvo.