Yesterday on my way to an electronics recycling event at the Towamensing Township municipal building, I saw a turtle crossing Strohls Valley Road. A car was coming in the opposite direction, so I quickly stopped to carry the turtle across the road. (I have discovered that quite a few people do this.)
When I picked it up, I was amazed how small it was. I’m familiar with box turtles, but this one was much smaller. It occurred to me that it might have been a bog turtle. When I looked up the photos on YouTube, there it was--a bog turtle.
Bog turtles are an endangered species. Evidently they live along the stream that flows into Hunter Creek that parallels Spruce Hollow Road. That’s where the UGI-Penn East tracking gas pipeline will run--125 foot construction corridor and a 50 foot permanent scar.
Who will prevail? A multi-billion dollar company or a small turtle about the size of a dessert plate? I think you know the answer.