The problem isn’t the size. If you reduced the size of the Pennsylvania legislature without reforming the voter registration and balloting procedures, without a fair system of drawing legislative districts, without thoroughgoing campaign finance reform, and without increasing ballot access for parties other than Democrats and Republicans, you would have the same mess you have now.
In fact it might be worse. Bigger districts mean even more campaign funds would be necessary to run for state legislative office. The money saved would be less than half a percent of the state’s budget.
The reduction is another one of those symbolic proposals to make the voters believe something is being accomplished. If the legislature wants to accomplish something, enact a severance tax on fracking. Equalize school funding. Increase the minimum wage. Legalize marijuana. Quit trying to privatize the wine and spirits stores. Pass the goddam budget.
I’m talking to you, Simmons and Knowles and Heffley.