John Quigley was the head of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Quality until last week, when Governor Wolf fired him, supposedly for sending an email to environmental groups urging them to get off their butts and support legislation to better regulate fracking. According to news reports, one of the main instigators of the firing was my very own State Senator, John Yudichak.
That is the same John Yudichak who wrote a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission praising the PennEast/UGI pipeline, something that not even Rep. Doyle Heffley has done.
Amazingly, Sen. Yudichak is the ranking minority member of the Pennsylvania Senate Committee that oversees environmental legislation.
The New York Times today ran an editorial urging Gov. Wolf to appoint a new head of the DEP who shares Mr. Quigley’s values. Why would he, since he was the guy who fired Quigley? And why would Senator Yudichak approve of a strong environmentalist to head the DEP?
I am tired of Democrats who think sucking up to frackers and coal companies is more important than renewable energy and global warming.