Brian Fitzpatrick represents a suburban Philadelphia district. He is 44 years old, a moderate Republican when they are an endangered species, and he is one of the most bipartisan members of the House. He is a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus, a group of Democratic and Republican members of Congress who work together to pass bipartisan legislation.
He voted against repealing the Affordable Care Act. He opposed Trump’s Muslim ban. He supports a carbon tax. He opposes the bill that would require that states honor concealed carry gun permits from other states.
Vote for his opponent, Democratic candidate Scott Wallace.
If the Republicans have a one vote majority in the House, the next speaker will be a Republican. Every House committee will have a Republican chair and a Republican majority. There will be no investigation of Trump’s conflicts of financial interest. Fitzpatrick voted to roll back regulations on financial institutions. He voted for the tax cut for the rich.
If Fitzpatrick wants to oppose Trump, he can switch parties. He can speak out. He didn’t. Vote the party. Vote Democratic.