First, the U.S. The large P.R. firm Edelman took on the GEO Group, a multibillion dollar business based in Florida, as a client. The GEO group was contracted to run immigration detention centers. It was the company separating migrant children from their parents, and Edelman was hired to burnish the company’s image. Work on that project was supposed to start this month, but company employees objected. This week Edelman announced it was dropping GEO as a client.
Now India. India in the past four years has seen a rise in the number of Bengal tigers in the wild. In the last decade India created over a dozen new tiger reserves. Unfortunately, because of forest fragmentation, some tigers and humans are interacting with bad results, but the Indian government is working on the problem. There are about 700 more tigers now than there were in 2014.
And Ethiopia. On Monday the Ethiopian prime minister along with students, farmers, governmental officials, and just about everybody else in the country planted approximately 350 million tree seedlings. That’s not a mistake. 350 million! This beats Uttar Pradesh’s record, which in 2016 planted only 50 million trees in one day.
Finally, here is a really weird and, to me at least, somewhat disconcerting item. I found myself in agreement with Donald Trump. He called “the reverend” Al Sharpton a con man. He’s right.