This time it is an actual thing. It is truly frightening what Republican legislators and governors are doing to insure Republican victories by making it more difficult, or in some cases impossible, for Democrats to win elections.
Gerrymandering is the most obvious. Republicans say, “Well, both sides do it.” Actually no. In Pennsylvania the Republican legislature is pushing an amendment to elect the state supreme court by district so they can even gerrymander that.
Mail balloting is under attack. Drop boxes are being eliminated. Citizen-led ballot initiatives are being curtailed. Private donations to help states administer elections are being outlawed. Polling places are being eliminated. New ID requirements are being instituted.
The national Republican Party is setting up a Committee on Election Integrity. The Pennsylvania Republicans are holding hearings on election law. This activity has nothing to do with election integrity and everything to do with eliminating votes of Democrats. This is the real attempt to steal elections, and it shows that when Republicans can’t win fairly, they resort to cheating.