I’m reading Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. It was a gift from a good friend of mine who thought I needed to read it. The book is 940 pages long, and I am over half way though it.
Our hero Don Quixote, after reading romance novels of knights in shining armor doing heroic acts, decides he will set forth to right wrongs, perform good deeds, and serve and protect beautiful ladies. He convinces Sancho Panza to be his squire, and off they ride.
Don Quixote, unfortunately, makes his own reality. In one of his first adventures, he encounters windmills but sees only giants to battle. In book two a rather unattractive peasant girl becomes, in his eyes, a beautiful princess. Although he does see that she is quite plain with a large hairy mole, he convinces himself that the princess is under there, but he has been “enchanted.” She might look poor and unattractive, but she’s really wealthy and quite beautiful.
So it is, as Senator Dave Argall and Representative Doyle Heffley ride off to save President Trump. Trump may have lost a fair and honest election in Pennsylvania, but they are enchanted. They know that appearances are deceiving. Trump is the beautiful princess who really won. Everybody who is rational and reasonable looks upon them with both pity and wonder, but they make their own reality.
The difference is that Don Quixote means well. He wants to do the right thing. People like Heffley and Argall do not have his good intentions.
Note: Last evening, for the second day in a row, we lost power. Somebody ran into a tree on Pohopoco about a mile east of here and the tree knocked down a power line.