Wednesday, August 31, 2022


This is, I understand, what is called a “cold opening.”  No big announcement, no ads, just a quiet re-start.

While a good deal has happened in the last three months, much of the world seems about the same.  Global warming continues, Trump’s hold on the Republican Party continues, and the war in Ukraine grinds on.  

My own life is pretty much the same as well.  We bought four new chickens, I won some prizes at the Carbon County Fair for jellies, jams, and vegetables, and I’m still registering voters for the fall election, but that’s about it.

I have learned that the golden age of blogging was around 2010, just about the time I started.  Unfortunately blogs tend to be dull and you have to read them.  The big switch was to podcasts.  Those are now proving to be too much effort; I understand millions are satisfied with TikTok.  Newspapers continue to go under and the national dialogue reeks of ignorance.

Basically, the world is going to hell in a hand basket, and I’m not even sure what a hand basket is.  Nonetheless, I’ll be doing my best to brake that descent.