Yesterday was my 80th birthday. Biden’s 80th birthday is tomorrow. I can demonstrate my mental acuity, I can still type my posts (usually pearls of wisdom), and I can still spell “acuity.” Physically, I did literature drops for the Shapiro, Fetterman, and Wild campaigns in Summit Hill, Palmerton, Nesquehoning, and Jim Thorpe, on some days walking over two miles, often up and down steps. I also take pills for high blood pressure and have a pacemaker, two artificial hips, and an artificial knee. Right now I could serve as President and do a far better job than Trump did, although that’s an extremely low bar.
The problem is that if I were president, ran in 2024, and served four more years, I would be 86 in my last year in office. Given the blood pressure issues, other aches and pains, the occasional MCI (mild cognitive impairment), I don’t think I would make a good president by the end of my second term, provided I’d still be alive.
Remember the notorious RBG? Had she resigned when Obama wanted her to, he could have replaced her with a competent Supreme Court Justice. Instead she hung on, died during the Trump administration, and was replaced by Amy Comey Barrett, she of the Dobbs decision.
You ought to know when it’s time to quit, to bow out gracefully, to move aside. Nancy Pelosi can give lessons. Biden should announce his decision fairly soon, giving his potential Democratic replacements time to prepare and plan their campaigns.