The newsletter from the Center for Rural Pennsylvania arrived today with a state-by-state map of the percentage of employees who work at home full time and year round. The data was from 2021.
The map correlates fairly closely with red and blue states. Generally, the higher the percentage of people who work at home, the more likely that state is to vote Democratic. The state with the lowest percentage of workers who toil at home is Mississippi, at 6.3%. Other states with a low level of employees working from home include Wyoming, West Virginia, South Dakota, North Dakota, Louisiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.
High work from home states include California, Washington, Colorado, all of New England, Minnesota, Illinois, and states along the East Coast, including Pennsylvania, although Pennsylvania is just above the middle group. Pennsylvania clocks in at 20.8%.
Incidentally, people who are working from home make thousands of dollars more on average than those who work at a workplace.