Here is a sobering thought. The bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima was code-named "Little Boy." It destroyed most of the city. In the 1950's the U.S. tested a "nuclear device" code-named Castle Bravo. It was approximately 1000 times more powerful than Little Boy. Imagine a bomb like that dropped on New York City or the Bay Area. The USSR in the early 60's tested bombs even more powerful.
Compare humans to dinosaurs. People think dinosaurs were stupid. They didn't adapt. Their brains were small compared to their bodies. Yet they flourished for about 175 million years. Lucy of Africa, a human ancestor, lived a little over 3 million years ago. Humans switched from being hunter-gatherers to agricultural producers only about 12,000 years ago. In just 12,000 years we have managed to screw up the planet. Do you think we will last as long as the dinosaurs? Will we last even a thousand years from now?