Monday, March 28, 2011

Did I miss something?

Guest Blogger: Marian Hoffner

I just read with interest the story in tonight's Times News about the town hall meeting held by Senator Argall and Representative Heffley on Saturday afternoon at the Aquashicola Fire Company. What I was most interested in is how people knew this meeting was going to take place. I looked through last week's issues of the Times News and saw no mention of it. I got nothing in the mail regarding it. Although I have emailed both Senator Argall and Rep. Heffley recently, I received no generic email informing me that this meeting was going to take place. My husband is a borough councilman, but he was not invited. I would think that when two state legislators are coming to town to meet with their constituents, the leaders of that town would be invited.
Did I miss something?


  1. This is really disturbing. I definitely would have made it a point to be there.

  2. I have emailed both oddices to see if I can find out the story. I'll let you know what, if anything, I find out.

  3. I meant offices, of course, but oddices might work too.

  4. I also did not see anything about an up coming meeting. I wonder why they did not bother to inform the area that they would have this meeting. Seems as if they only wanted local people from Albrightsville area. I had been to a meeting of Sen Argall's couple years ago and thought that he was interesting to listen to. As to Rep. Heffley I cannot say much about him. I have e-mailed his office several times and to date never received any return. I can say that when McCall was our Rep I always got a return on my e-mails and even sometimes a Letter signed by him. Our new Rep. has got a few things to learn. For now I will respect him as my Rep. to see how he performs. If he keeps going along with his party leaders I will even work harder to replace him next election.

  5. I just received a phone call from Senator Argall's office. The woman who called wanted to arrange a time when the Senator could call me, I assume regarding the email I sent to him about the town hall meeting. He is going to call on Thursday, and I will post any information he gives me explaining the circumstances of the meeting.This is the second time Sen. Argall's office has called me regarding an email I sent him. He is very good about responding to this typw of communication. Rep. Heffley would do well to follow his example.

  6. I just spoke to Senator Argall regarding the town hall meeting. He said that voters were chosen randomly and sent invitations to this event. He does this because in his experience, this method produces a better turnout than an announcement in the paper. I guaranteed him that if he would have one again, we would make sure he had a good turn out. I asked him if I could have a copy of the list of those who were invited, and he said that he would send that to me. I will email his office to remind him. He also seemed surprised that the press was there.
