SEIU has arranged a bus to take people to a rally in East Stroudsburg on Saturday to support the hospital workers in their dispute with the Pocono Medical Center. The bus will leave at 10 a.m. from downtown Lehighton at 139 South Street by the park. (It’s across the street from the State Store--most of you know where that is.) Snacks and bottled water will be available on the bus. You can park your car in the unmetered parking on Second Street. Bring good walking shoes. There is a picnic after the rally, but the bus should have you back in Lehighton by 4 p.m.
This labor dispute is not about wages or working conditions. It is an attempt on the part of the Pocono Medical Center to bust the union. The SEIU is trying to make this the biggest labor rally in Pennsylvania history.
If you would like to reserve a seat on the bus or get more information, call Linda at 610-377-0235.
The Third Amendment Rally: The rally to “Save the 3rd Amendment” in the park in Lehighton was not as successful as I had hoped. Our posters were directed at the N.R.A., the anti-immigration crowd (“what part of no quartering of troops don’t you understand”), and the Tea Party clowns (“don’t tread on my vestibule”). A Channel 13 news guy filmed us and interviewed us, but I don’t believe the tape was aired. You know the rule--if it isn’t on tv, it didn’t happen. Nevertheless, it was a nice day to spend some time in the park, and I want to thank Chris and George for participating.
When Whippoorwills Call: A few days ago I submitted an article on birding to Carbon County Magazine, an online publication edited by Al Zagofsky. In that article I noted that I had not heard a whippoorwill since I was a teenager. I heard one tonight, and it was wonderful.
On the brighter side of things. We have a pair of Baltimore Oriels in our trees here by the house. I too have not seen them here in ages. That is a great sign that we are seeing a payoff in the environment efforts.