Friday, July 22, 2011

Obama lacks the vision???

In an editorial in today's Times News entitled "Era Ends:  Obama lacks the vision of a John F. Kennedy" Jim Zbick blamed the President for the end of the space program.  I am sending the following letter.  

Dear Editor:
President Obama has proposed a manned space mission to an asteroid by 2025 and a manned mission to a Mars orbit by the mid-2030s.  Congress has not acted, and given the ideology of the current House of Representatives, prospects for action are bleak
A Times News editorial on July 22 stated that thanks to the “short-sighted Obama administration, the space program we grew up reaping so many benefits from, has ended.”  You might want to reconsider your editorial.

We will see if it is printed.  Any bets?


  1. This darn heat wave is all Obama's fault!!!

  2. Seems that everything is Obama's fault.
    Don't know why he is raising the rates on the turnpike. Seems like its a class action discrimination. The people that pay cash and use the TP are seniors, tourists, etc.
