Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How Many Votes?

Joseph Stalin is reputed to have said, when reminded of the influence of the Pope, “How many divisions does the Pope have?”  I think about that sometimes when I’m reading about the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.  How many votes does it have?
I expressed some admiration for that movement in an earlier posting.  I noted that the demonstrators had changed the way people perceive the American economic system.  Americans are finally getting the message that the people on top have undue influence, are doing better than the rest of us, and have one of the two major parties to represent their interests.  I may stage my own “Occupy Weissport” demonstration in the near future in support.
Nevertheless, I come back to “How many votes does the movement have?”  It is not enough to change the conversation, as important as that is.  We also need to change the government.  The Tea Party people understood that.  They went to town halls, registered voters, and voted in 2010.  Admittedly, they were shills for the rich, and they received training and funding--and still are--from people like Art Pope and the Koch Brothers and Karl Rove.  Be that as it may, they have their hands on the levers of power.  They stop the jobs bill.  They kill environmental legislation.  They prevent poor women from obtaining abortions.  They manipulate the redistricting and suppress voting rights.  They possess power.
I, and a few hundred others, if I can get things organized, may stand with our signs and slogans in the Weissport park, but that won’t be enough.  Politics is dull hard boring work.  It is especially difficult when the other side has most of the money, but it is work that must be done. Otherwise the “Occupy” movement will be an interesting footnote in some future American history book.
An aside:  The House yesterday reaffirmed that “In God We Trust” is the official motto of the U.S.  I always thought it had an additional phrase--"All others pay cash." Who knew? 


  1. "In God We Trust" vote was a ridiculous vote to have. No one was trying to eliminate it. This was just another republican tactic to appeal to their base. However it should read "In God We Trust, In Congress We Don't" This congress is truly a do nothing congress.

    Jobs are more important than a vote to reaffirm our country's motto. Remember. these are the people who ran on the slogan Jobs Jobs Jobs. How is that working out for you now?

    Sad to say, Money Talks! Not enough Democrats are willing to help out financially. Until they do, all will be lost. When they are desperate, maybe then will they take the time to vote. To all who read this, please register to vote, take the time to get educated on the issues and if you can, donate a few dollars to the cause. Republicans don't care about your future, they only care about the people with money. It's your future, think about it.

  2. In GOD I do trust, Congress I do not.
    All we hear is everything else. The only reference to JOBS is what Pres. Obama is doing wrong. They cannot come up with anything constructive regarding Job creation.
    All the Reps. want to do is attack SS and Medicare.
    You know if they were only covered by SS and Medicare they would be doing everything to improve the system. It would be the Greatest.
    Its time a movement is started to change their Cadillac style benefits.
