Monday, March 19, 2012

Rutherford B. Hayes

The Times News tonight carried a long editorial by Jim Zbick critical of President Obama for making a joke about Rutherford B. Hayes.  According to Mr. Zbick, the President said Hayes said of the telephone: "It's a great invention but who would ever want to use one.  Zbick then spent an entire column explaining that Hayes had never said this, was a war hero, was better than Obama ever would be, and ended by castigating Obama for rising gas prices, deficits, and the health care bill.  
I couldn't let this one pass unanswered.  Here's the email I just sent to Mr. Zbick:
Dear Mr. Zbick,
Thank God at a time when we are facing attacks on contraception, billion dollar cuts to Pennsylvania schools, an election system warped by SuperPacs, global warming, a rise in American hate groups, and environmental degradation, there are still men like you willing to step forward to defend President Rutherford B. Hayes.  Your sense of priorities is an inspiration to us all.  You are a profile in courage. 

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