In The Logic of Collective Action, Mancur Olson said people joined groups for material, solidary, or purposive reasons. You might join a labor union because it provides you with higher wages or better benefits. Those would be material reasons. You might join a bowling league because your friends are bowling, and you want to be with them. That would be for “solidary” reasons, basically another word for “friendship.”
By “purposive” Olson meant what I would call “ideological” reasons. You might join the Democratic Party, for example, because you like its stand on women’s rights and its support for increased taxation for the top 1%.
Olson believed that over time solidary reasons might not be sufficient, which is why almost every group provides its members with some material benefits. For example, I belong to the Sierra Club because I am an environmentalist, but I get discounts on hiking boots, offers for eco-vacations, and a subscription to a slick and informative magazine.
Olson also noted that people might join a group for its ideology, but remain in the group because of friendships formed with other members.
I thought about Olson’s theories tonight at the Carbon County Democratic Executive Board. I am in the Democratic Party for many reasons. I believe the Republican Party’s stands on the economy, on immigrants, on gays, on the environment, on women, on the unemployed, on labor unions, on global warming, on voting rights--all are abysmal. (I could add to the list, but you get the idea.) I have been a member of the County Democratic Party Executive Board for the past five months.
I often disagree with my fellow board members, argue with them, and even get angry with them, but as I was sitting there tonight I realized--these people are my friends. I like them. I would lend them money. I would have a beer with them.
I have no idea if the Republican Party Executive Board is similar to ours. From what I know of Republicans, I doubt it
The Carbon County Democratic Executive Board is a group on the RISE! In that group, you have people who are working hard to make Carbon County a better place.