Monday, July 23, 2012

Ordering ammo

An acquaintance of mine (I hesitate to call him friend) who is an N.R.A. member told me that a number of N.R.A. members were thinking about planning a rally to defend the right to buy ammo over the internet.  Evidently they are worried that the fallout from the Aurora massacre might lead to calls to ban unrestricted ammo sales on the net.  The shooter bought most of his ammo on-line.
I think my “acquaintance”  was just trying to irritate me.  I don’t really know.  

1 comment:

  1. Ammunition should not be available for purchase over the internet. It just opens the door for looney tune types to obtain it. You should have to show a firearms owners ID to buy it.

    Of course, all assault weapons should be banned along with high capacity magazines and clips.

    I'm tired of people saying that guns don't kill people but people kill people. While that may be true, guns sure do enable people to do it very quickly and efficiently. Assault weapons were originally designed for the sole purpose of war and to kill people. Congress needs to get some spine and ban them. And if a hunter needs an assault weapon to shoot his deer-he should stay the hell out of the woods.
