Friday, September 7, 2012

Fired Up

We held our Lehighton Watch Party at the Democratic Headquarters on Main Street last night. Prior to the party, a dozen volunteers worked a phone bank until 8:45, and then we broke out the chips and veggie trays and wine and settled down for the speeches.

The President did it right, noting Romney’s inexperience in foreign affairs, reminding people that the recession at the beginning of his term was the worst since the Great Depression, emphasizing that his administration had already cut taxes for the middle class, and hitting the themes of manufacturing jobs and energy independence.

One of the funnier moments for us was when Linda spotted Carbon County’s own Billy O’Gurek in a shot of the delegates.  “There’s Billy!” and the room erupted in cheers and applause.

A new movie by Obama-hater Denesh D’Souza predicts all kinds of bad things for a second term.  Consider a Romney first term.  War with Iran?  Increased taxes for the middle class and a free ride for the 1%?  Energy policy made by the Koch Brothers?  Further restricted voting rights?  A ballooning deficit?  Starved educational funding?  Medicare by voucher?  Increased pollution?  Loss of reproductive rights?  Official discrimination against gays?  

I could extend that list, but you get the point.  For America, for our children, for the future of this planet, we need to re-elect the President.

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