Thursday, January 24, 2013


In my latest article in the on-line Carbon County Magazine, I listed some of my favorite political films.  One of then is Mr. Smith Goes to Washington with Jimmy Stewart in the lead role.  The climactic moment comes when Senator Smith filibusters himself into exhaustion by speaking for hour after hour on the Senate floor.

IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT ANY MORE.  Now a senator doesn’t even have to speak to filibuster.  In Obama’s first two years the House passed an immigration reform bill.  Fifty-nine senators supported it as well, but under Senate rules 60 votes were needed.  This is not in the Constitution. This is because of some arcane Senate rule.  

When the Senate opens its session it can change the rules by majority vote.  Senator Reid had his chance today.  He let it slip by.  Supposedly the Senate made some minor changes, but why not go by majority vote?  Why do we always snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?  Do you think the Republicans in a similar situation would have done that?  I am so angry.

1 comment:

  1. Angry is not the word I would use. In this forum I don't think I could say how I really feel.

    What really grates me is that Reid spoke out in May and December about how the rule needed to be changed. Then in essence he does nothing when he has a golden opportunity to do what was needed. Do you think if the issue would have been reversed the republicans would have done nothing. What a joke Reid and all of the democrats are.

    I have always maintained that you can not trust republicans, now I'm starting to think that way about democrats. Maybe real democrats should have the equivalent tea party. Call them "Real Democrats".

    As far as I'm concerned, the Senate has sunk the President. If he is lucky he might get some form of immigration reform done. As for the assault weapons bill goes, not gonna happen. Maybe background checks, but that is doubtful. Jobs bill, nope. Obama's legacy has been dealt a serious blow.

    In plain words---I'm pissed off!
