Thursday, April 18, 2013

Two for three so far

After the Newtown slaughter of the innocents I made three predictions.  First, a cry for limitations on guns and gun purchases would arise.  Second, no effective legislation would pass because of the power of the gun nuts.  Third, another mass shooting would occur.  

Poll after poll shows that Americans want background checks, want limits on magazines, want bans on assault rifles.  Too many members of Congress, however, fear the N.R.A. 

When the next massacre occurs, perhaps at a school play or a high school basketball game, the N.R.A. will point out that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, and we should arm the actors or the refs and coaches.  These are sick people.  I’ve heard that the N.R.A. director really dislikes the term “gun nut.”  Perhaps he would prefer “asshole.”


  1. One has to remember that Adam Lanza's mother was a "resposible gun owner". She bought her guns legally.

    Now, was she really a reponsible gun owner? Here was a woman who took her son to the gun range and encouraged him to learn how to shoot. She also knew that her son had mental issues. Responsible---I think not! How many more will have to die?

  2. You make a good point. We need to get rid of assault rifles. Period.
