Friday, July 19, 2013

Left and Right cooperate

It’s not always a good thing.  In the Thirties in Europe, Fascists and Communists and
sometimes worked together to bring down moderate governments.  Each thought that once the middle was destroyed, the way would be open for its side to take over.  

On the other hand, the left and right occasionally cooperate because of beliefs they hold in common.  

The Right in America distrusts government in general (unless it is benefiting the rich).   That distrust sometimes slips over into paranoia--refusing to cooperate with the Census Department, for example--but suspicion of government is ingrained in American culture.

The Left objects to data collection because of a commitment to civil liberties and the right to privacy.  Why does the N.S.A. need to know who we call and how long we talk, or maybe even what we say?  If that information is so important, then the agency should be required to get a warrant, and not from a rubber stamp FISA court.  The right to privacy is also ingrained in American culture.

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R, WI) and Representative Zoe Lofgren (D, CA) (and my representative when we lived in San Jose) are sending a letter to the Justice Department asking that telecommunications companies be allowed to disclose information on demands by the government for data.  Sensenbrenner is the Chair and Lofgren is the ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee.  On most issues they are very far apart.  On the surveillance issue, they are close.  To me that’s a good thing.

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