Monday, August 5, 2013

Another thing I owe Obama

Political scientist Mancur Olson said there were three reasons why people joined political groups or retained their membership.  He said they usually joined because they shared an ideology with the members of a group.  He called that reason “purposive.”  

The second reason they joined or strayed was for the material benefits.  I stay in the AARP because I get a discount at motels.  Members join the N.R.A. because they get a discount on ammo.  Your union gets you discounts at Dorney Park or an Iron Pigs game.

The third reason people stay in groups is because of what Olson called “solidary” feelings.  You may join a group for purposive or material reasons, but eventually you develop friendships in the group.  “Solidary” is jargon; think friends.

Right now I am angry with President Obama over the N.S.A. phone taps and the drones and Guantanamo, but I owe him a great deal.   It was because of his campaigns in 2008 and 2012 that I met Chris and Helen and Patti and Sandra and Rene and Joe and so many more.  Most of my friends are political friends, but that doesn’t make them any less friends.  In my case, it makes them my closest friends.   


  1. Freindships and camaraderie are some of the benefits from working on a campaign.

    Aside from that, think what this counrty would be like if we had a President romney. Things may not be great now but they sure as hell would be worse.

  2. Not too long ago, at a Carbon County Democrats for Change meeting, somebody encouraged us to invite our Democratic friends to a meeting. I said, "but these ARE my Democratic friends." For some reason, I know, and I'm friends with, an awful lot of Republicans. The CCDC meetings and events are an opportunity to be around like-minded people. They 'get it' when I whine about corporate welfare or the awful anti-women legislation that's been passing lately. They want to get rid of Corbett as much as I do, and like me, they're willing to work toward that goal. It's nice to have others share your convictions.

    Some of the best people I know I've met (or gotten to know better) through becoming politically involved for the first time in my life in 2008. I would like to echo Roy in thanking President Obama for that.
