Gov. Corbett’s transportation bill was voted down yesterday by a combination of very liberal Democrats, who were concerned about changes in the “prevailing wage,” and by very conservative Republicans (i.e., Doyle Heffley), who objected to an increase in the gas tax.
The Democrats who voted against this bill were wrong. Flat out wrong. The project threshold for “prevailing wage” to kick in was raised from $25,000 to $100,000. Given that almost no road project can be done for less than $100,000, that was a reasonable compromise. The Laborers’ and Electrical Workers’ Unions, among others, recognized this and supported the bill.
The projects must be paid for, and the bill would have added a 25-28¢ a gallon gas tax. This is where the conservative Republicans balked. They give their loyalty not to Gov. Corbett or the people of Pennsylvania, but to Grover Norquist, who opposes any tax increase.
All the reasonable people in the middle lost out. Pennsylvania roads, bridges, and mass transit lost out. Workers lost out.
I’m pretty sure Doyle Heffley is proud of his nay vote. He ought to be ashamed.
I don't think a $.28 gas tax is realistic. Why not try a $.07 gas tax and get a third of the work done? A third of $14 billion is better than 100% of nothing!