Saturday, October 10, 2015

Possible frost!

A small note on the Times News front page today said we might have a frost tonight.  This is not something to be taken lightly.  The most exciting day on the farm when I was growing up was the day before a predicted killing frost.  The whole family was involved in gathering up every possible vegetable we could before darkness set in.

This summer I grew about 50 pepper plants--green and purple bells, jalapeños, habañeros, chiles, black pearls, red peters, pequins, bananas, cherries, poblanos, and more.  After all, I am the hot pepper king of Carbon County, a title bestowed on me by myself.

I was out all afternoon harvesting peppers.  In the beginning I was carefully picking them off the plants, but by the end of the afternoon I was ripping out the whole plants and throwing them on the back of the truck.

If you live in the vicinity of 6495 Pohopoco Drive, stop in.  I’ll be happy to give you some peppers, no charge.  

All next week I’ll be canning and drying peppers.  I know that the Pennsylvania Dutch are not big pepper eaters, but 32 years in California eating Mexican cuisine has made me a convert to heat and spice.  These Dutchies don’t know what they are missing.


  1. I missed that. Hopefully we don't get any. Maybe it will be light.

  2. All that work, but no frost. It's ok, though. At some point I would have had top pick the peppers, and now it's done.
