Friday, March 3, 2017

Trump and Service Workers

Trump is obsessed with manufacturing jobs, proposing new trade agreements, new tariffs, penalties for companies that move production overseas.  

I may have missed it, but I have not heard anything from this administration on how to make the lives better for service workers, a much larger category of workers than manufacturing jobs.

Many service jobs are outsourced from the work place.  Cafeteria workers, janitors, and security guards are typical jobs given out to low wage subcontractors.  Clerks and fast food workers may be regular hires, but they are often part-time with no benefits and no health plans.

Raising the minimum wage would help.  Making it easier for workers to organize would help.  Providing access to health care would help.  I’m waiting for the current administration to advocate any of these, but I have a feeling I’ll be waiting a long long time.

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