Saturday, June 10, 2017

Johnie's Tap Room, est. 1953

Johnie's Tap Room, located in Stuart, Iowa, is an interesting place.  Tonight I learned that Skeeter is no longer welcome, Bill can no longer come in because he was fighting, and Fred once tried to break in   so he isn't welcome either.

I also heard an argument about Uber.  The guy in the Iowa shirt said it would never work in Stuart, but the woman with him said she would pay $20 for someone to drive her home.  Stuart has a population of about 800.

Here's another fact about Stuart.  It is home to Los Altos, a really good authentic Mexican restaurant, where margaritas are half off on a Saturday night.

I went for a whole day without reading a newspaper, seeing television news, or hearing anything about politics.

On the other hand, I can see huge windmills turning.  Iowa gets about 30% of its electricity from wind.

Tomorrow, Nebraska.

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