Friday, February 28, 2020

Deportation fees

Immigrants who wish to contest their deportation orders will now be charged almost $1000 in fees.  This is about a tenfold increase, and it obviously will make immigration appeals much more difficult.  

This is another one of those Trump administration actions that sneaks in under public scrutiny.  Even the New York Times, which we depend on to report this type of anti-immigrant action, relegated this action to page 18.  The coronavirus and the South Carolina primary suck all the air out of the news, and in the meantime, the Administration goes on its merry way hurting the most vulnerable people in our society.

The Trump administration says it doesn’t want U.S. taxpayers to cover the court costs.  It has no problem charging taxpayers to fly Trump around on Air Force One to golf in Florida or hold political rallies.


  1. I feel in many ways the press isn’t doing it’s job when it comes to 45 and some of the most harmful policies fly under the radar.

  2. Blogger added the apostrophe to ‘its,’ not me. Ha!

  3. No, the blogger DID not do that.
    But I do agree that the press is not doing its job.

  4. I didn't mean YOU the blogger, I meant the autocorrect on Blogger. HA...I would never accuse you of grammar errors.
