Saturday, March 28, 2020

About those checks

We should all be getting checks soon to help jump start the economy.  They will not be signed by the Secretary of the Treasury.  They will be signed by President Trump.  Personally.  

I am ever so grateful.  What a wonderful leader!  What a generous person!  Have we ever had a more thoughtful, caring, and empathetic man in the White House?  He deserves to be beatified.  The man is an absolute saint. 

Also, the Carbon County Democratic Party is about to get a major donation.  Thank you, Mr. President.


  1. We educated people know what he is doing. As to my knowledge this money is only my own money coming back to me. Anyone that has been paying taxes knows this. Its no gift from Trump. Unfortunately, many people will think of Trump as giving them this money and it will buy their votes for him.

  2. That's exactly right. It is vote buying, pure and simple. It is also depressing.
