Wednesday, April 8, 2020

A comparison to Vietnam

Because Americans are taking the coronavirus seriously, with social distancing, and mask wearing, the death toll has been revised downward to 60,000.

The Vietnam War took over 58,000 American lives and the lives of many more Vietnamese.  Those deaths represented a total failure of American policy.

We are doing it again.  A huge number of the coronavirus deaths also represent a failure of American policy.  Our incompetent president, his anti-science attitude, his unqualified appointees, and his past efforts to undermine the Obama health policies have all contributed to unnecessary deaths.  But hey, his ratings are high and his base thinks he is doing a wonderful job.

1 comment:

  1. The stories of ‘my Vietnam’ rip my heart apart too much to mention. I sit with these veteran families weekly......a senseless war full of death, despair, and destruction. Fast forward to today....failed policies, ignorant power hungry officials, and an anti truth public_ let’s explain that to my friend, Diane, whose father died of Coronavirus, let’s tell that to Carol, who lost her husbands brother only months after losing her husband...let’s tell that to the friends of Helen Torok. This Virus is just another ‘rich man’s war’ exacerbated by those whose hearts are black with hatred, and souls are dark - soiled by greed and ignorance.
