Thursday, September 3, 2020

Dog Poop

 Somebody threw a plastic bag full of dog poop (at least I think it was dog poop) on our front yard last night.  The problem is I don’t know why.  Was it because we had a “Stop the Pipeline” sign in our yard?  A Wegman sign?  A big “This is Biden Country” sign?  Maybe somebody is angry that I oppose Rep. Heffley’s proposal to charge a fee to visit Beltzville State Park.  Maybe someone took offense at my “Fake President” tee shirt with the picture of Trump.  Or it might have been none of these.

So please, whoever is doing this.  Write a little explanation and attach it to the bag, or the rock, or the dead squirrel or whatever you are throwing on our lawn so at least I’ll know why you got so upset.

And now, just for Mr. White, here is another climate question from the Times quiz:

Your house generates a lot of greenhouse gasses, but not all the appliances and gadgets are equal.  How many hours could you leave a lamp with an LED light bulb switched on and produce the same amount of greenhouse gases as a single load in a clothes dryer?

I guessed 16 hours.  The median guess was 60 hours.  The correct answer is 272 to 354 hours, depending on the brightness of the bulb.  I’ll have to start hanging more clothes on the line.

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