Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The world is going to hell in a handbasket

 Today’s New York Times had these headlines:

“Ottawa Protest Stirs Far Right Around World.”  That one was about truck drivers protesting the requirement that when they cross borders, they must show evidence of vaccination.  I assume that most of them were American truck drivers, but they have become an inspiration for stupid people around the globe.

“Justices Restore Vote Map Said To Dilute Rights.”  That was the U.S. Supreme Court that upheld an Alabama congressional district gerrymander on a 5-4 vote.

“India Leaders Do Little as Calls for Genocide of Muslims Intensify.”  India, like the U.S., was founded as a secular nation.  Now Hindu nationalists are calling for the murder of millions.  P.M. Modi is largely responsible for this outbreak of hatred.

Oh, yeah, there was another page one story about the head of N.Y. shelters admitting birbery.

It does get depressing.