Saturday, March 19, 2022

Taliban in America?

 Some weeks ago Lancaster Farming, an agricultural newspaper I subscribe to, ran a photo of a dairy farmer who runs long-distance races.  She was dressed in “race attire.”  I may have glanced at the photo, but I don’t remember it.  The paper has received a number of letters complaining about the “pornography.” 

Being the kind of guy I am, I could not let this pass without comment.  I sent in the following letter which was published on March 19.  I thought you might enjoy it.


I’m fairly certain I received the Feb. 12 issue of Lancaster Farming, but somehow I missed the “pornography” on the front page.  Perhaps you could run it again.

Roy Christman

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about it all. All one has to do is make a trip to any mall, shopping area and you can enjoy all the pornography one may need is seeing all the girls in there tight-fitting clothing. According to some that would be pornography.
