Monday, May 2, 2022

Roe v. Wade overturned

It hasn’t been officially announced, but it has happened.  Alito wrote the opinion.  Now the battle will be state-by-state, with an underground of people who can send pills to women in states where abortion is illegal or pay for transportation to states where it is legal.

I also think we should demand legislation that men are responsible for children they have fathered.  DNA testing should make this easy.  They will be required to pay child support until that child turns 18.  If they do not, they are subject to a court order seizing their wages or any assets they possess.  

1 comment:

  1. That is exactly what I said to Marie. Make them responsible until the child is 18 or even if they go to college then up to age 26. If for some reason a father would pass away, then the state will need to pick up the tab.
