I refuse to watch debates. They tell you nothing new about the candidates. If a candidate messes up in some way (Nixon sweats, Ford blows an answer about Soviet client states, Trump moves behind Clinton to throw off her concentration), those moments decide a race.
If you can’t tell the difference by now between Fetterman and Oz, and you need tomorrow’s debate to help you make up you mind (ooh, a gaffe; oops, a misstatement; ouch, a blunder), you ought not be voting.
I can tell you now for whom I will be voting in the Presidential election in 2024. The Democrat. The parties differ on women’s rights, on voting rights, on foreign policy, on environmental policy, on global warming, on health care issues, on Social Security, and on so many other issues. The specific nominees for the Demos and Reps won’t matter–in two years the party ideology will be roughly what it is now. You don’t need a debate to figure it out.