Friday, July 12, 2024

The Iron Curtain

 We are in Fulton, Missouri, where Winston Churchill gave a speech at Westminster College and talked about an iron curtain descending upon Europe.  It was the first time that phrase was used.  President Truman had invited Churchill to visit Missouri. 

We earlier had stopped for lunch in Lawrence, Kansas, one of the few blue spots on the Kansas map. Every state we have gone through is now either a Trump state or leaning Trump except CA.  Nevada has moved into the Trump column since the infamous debate.  Even Colorado is now a toss up.  November will be a Trump blowout, and it wouldn’t surprise me if we also lost Congress.  But Biden can say he gave it his best shot.  That should make us all feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Biden is going to ruin his legacy with his pride and stubbornness and leave us with 4 years of Trump - and you better believe one of Trumps goal will be to erase all Biden
