One issue in the current presidential race in Brazil is the increase in the rate of forest clearing in that country. A major reason for jungle clearance is to provide pastureland for beef cattle.
Here’s another fact that troubles me. The F.D.A. has found that antibiotics in animal feed grew by 16% between 2009 and 2012, even though we know that antibiotic resistance in humans is increasing.
The pork chops we buy from our local butcher (Haydt’s Meat Market) are from antibiotic-free and gestation-cage-free pigs. I haven’t eaten a steak in years. Nonetheless, I have decided to cut back considerably on my meat consumption. I won’t be all fanatic about it; if I’m a guest and the host serves a meat dish, I’ll be polite and eat it, but I will not be having any more quarter pounders at McDonalds.
I suppose I’ll have to do some research on where to get my protein. I think peanut butter may substitute.
As the cow in the commercial says, Eat more Chicken!!