Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Working from home and political ideology

The newsletter from the Center for Rural Pennsylvania arrived today with a state-by-state map of the percentage of employees who work at home full time and year round.  The data was from 2021.

The map correlates fairly closely with red and blue states.  Generally, the higher the percentage of people who work at home, the more likely that state is to vote Democratic.  The state with the lowest percentage of workers who toil at home is Mississippi, at 6.3%.  Other states with a low level of employees working from home include Wyoming, West Virginia, South Dakota, North Dakota, Louisiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.  

High work from home states include California, Washington, Colorado, all of New England, Minnesota, Illinois, and states along the East Coast, including Pennsylvania, although Pennsylvania is just above the middle group.  Pennsylvania clocks in at 20.8%.  

Incidentally, people who are working from home make thousands of dollars more on average than those who work at a workplace.

Monday, February 27, 2023

"Maternity Closures Leave Rural Areas in Lurch"

That is the title of a front page article by Toni Caryn Rabin in today’s New York Times.  The article notes there were at least 89 obstetric unit closures in rural hospitals across the country between 2015 and 2019, and many more closures are on the way.  In some areas expectant mothers must drive long distances on dangerous roads for medical care, if it is available at all. 

In the meantime “pro-life” groups are organizing to provide services to pregnant women in these areas.  NO, WAIT.  That isn’t happening.  Pro-life groups don’t give a rat’s ass about pregnant women as long as they don’t have abortions.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Greenzweig School

A few years ago the Kuehner family near Trachsville leased the Greenzweig one-room school, built in about 1896, to Towamensing Township in Carbon County.  I believe the Township was asked to pay a dollar a year.  The question arose just what should the Township do with the school.  It was in bad shape, needing repairs.  

As a member of the Towamensing Township Historical Commission, I was dubious about accepting the offer of the school.  The Township already has a one-room school museum on Pohopoco Drive.  It’s Kibler one-room school, owned by the Palmerton Area Historical Society.  Kibler hosts events, is stocked with desks, and is periodically open to the public.  It has a website if you want to check it out.  Why did we need another school?

If we were to keep Greenzweig, we needed some funds to at least put siding on it.  One of the Township Supervisors estimated that at a minimum we would need $14,000 for vinyl siding and for labor to put it up.  How do you raise that kind of money? 

We sent out a letter with the property tax bills asking for donations.  I, pessimist that I am, thought we might get a few hundred dollars.  We received over $5000!  Think about that.  People who were paying their property tax, were willing to add extra money to preserve a one-room school.  

One of the members of the Historical Commission wrangled free siding as well.  So, we are going to proceed with the preservation of the school.  I am absolutely amazed.

Friday, February 24, 2023

What is wrong with young people?

For the last two weeks thousands of young people have been traveling to a tiny Christian college south of Lexington, Kentucky, to participate in a “spiritual revival.”  As many as 50,000 showed up from all over the U.S.  This has been called the first major revival of the 21st century.

I had so much hope for the younger generation, but evidently they are just as stupid as everyone else.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Shooting feral cattle

Ranchers in Arizona have allowed cattle to escape their ranches.  These cattle, now feral, are wrecking stream banks and grazing the year round.  The Forest Service has decided to shoot them from helicopters.  The ranchers are angry.  

I’m not.  Do what it takes to protect the biodiversity of the Gila National Forest.  Since the ranchers don’t like the cattle shot, perhaps the Forest Service could import wolves.  See if they’d like that.

See Christine Chung, “Feral Cattle Will Be Short From Above to Cull Herd,” The New York Times, (Feb. 23, 2023),. p. A13. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

An "open and affirming church"

Although I am a committed atheist and have been since I was a teenager, I attend my wife’s church for a number of reasons.  First, I like the pastor.  He knows I am a nonbeliever and makes no fuss about it.  Secondly, it is a “mainline” Protestant church (United Church of Christ) that has no issue with gay marriages, abortions, or other important social issues.  Third, Linda is a member, and she likes me to accompany her.  Finally, I like the hymns.

A few months ago Linda noticed that most of the area U.C.C. churches in were listed as “open and affirming” on a church website, but not hers.  She made some inquiries and discovered the congregation actually has to vote on this, and members are also supposed to undertake some study.  Maybe it’s to raise awareness.  Anyway, members of the congregation were surprised that the church wasn’t already “open and affirming.”  None of the congregation had any reason to turn anyone away.

Last Sunday the members unanimously voted on whether to approve the following statement.  “We celebrate everyone, including people of all ages, races, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, family configurations, economic circumstances, physical, cognitive or emotional abilities, education or spiritual and religious traditions.” 

Before the vote was taken we were asked if there were any questions.  I was about to raise my hand and say, “You forget atheists,” but I knew Linda would hurt me if I did, so I was quiet.  

The vote was unanimous in favor.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

World Wars I, II, and III

World War I started for stupid reasons.  Interlocking alliances meant that when Austria gave Serbia an ultimatum, Russia then backed Serbia, Germany backed Austria, France backed Russia, and eventually the whole world was at war.  

World War II started because a number of strongmen in Germany, Italy, and Japan realized the democracies that opposed them had little stomach to act.  Those democracies–France, Britain, the U.S.–having learned the wrong lessons from World War I, decided to placate the dictatorships and compromise, hoping that the efforts of Japan to seize China, Italy to seize African territories, and Germany to expand wouldn’t affect them.  When the democracies did finally act, it was too late to avoid what became World War II.  Even then the U.S. only entered the war when it was attacked.

Are we now on the brink of World War III?  We have the alliance system of World War I, we have dictators and strongmen in China, Iran, and Russia.  We have an insane government in North Korea that possesses nuclear weapons and at least some delivery capability.  We again have people in the U.S. who don’t see any need to defend democracy.  Some of them, like Fox News commentators or Trump, are cheering on the dictator Putin. 

What to do?  My own view, as someone born during World War II, is that we should at least be the “arsenal of democracy,” giving Ukraine whatever weapons it needs.  If Putin threatens nuclear weaponry, then the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine should be sufficient to dissuade him.  

We live in dangerous times, but they will become even more dangerous if Putin is not stopped.  Japan should have been stopped when it invaded Manchuria.  Italy should have been stopped when it invaded Ethiopia.  Germany should have been stopped when it threatened Czechoslovakia.  Perhaps we could have avoided World War II.  If Putin is stopped, perhaps we can avoid World War III.  Let’s hope so.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Signature gathering in Nesquehoning

In Pennsylvania to run for local borough or township office, candidates need ten signatures of registered voters from their party.  For county-wide offices they need a hundred signatures.  Linda and I were out collecting signatures in Nesquehoning today.  We had a list of voters by party and hit all the Democrats on East Catawissa Street.

It was slow going.  First of all, most people are either not at home or don’t answer the door.  Secondly, people move, so some of our info was wrong.  Third, we met two people who wouldn’t sign anything, or so they told us.  And almost everyone has a dog–some cute and small but quite a few that are big and scary.

Tomorrow we plan to hit Mill and Center Streets–unless it is raining.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

To hell with Presidents' Day

When I went to school February. had two holidays, one for Washington’s Birthday and one for Lincoln’s.  Evidently the powers that be decided that two was too many, so we would have only one.  We wouldn’t call it Washington/Lincoln day, but call it Presidents’ Day.

Why?  Are we honoring Nixon?  Polk?  Jackson?  Trump?  What absolute bullshit.  Why would we have a day honoring all presidents?  If we are doing that, why not Congress?  Why not the Department of Agriculture?  I personally am going out tomorrow and raking up chestnut burrs.  I am putting in eight hours of work just to prove a point.  This is nothing to celebrate.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Strokes, depression, and Fetterman

My mother had a stroke.  After her stroke she went through a period of depression.  At the time I did not know that stroke victims often suffered from depression, and I was impatient with her.  I kept thinking, “Mother, you survived a stoke.  Why aren’t you happy?  Why aren’t you dancing with joy?”  I wish I had known then what I have learned since.

My advice about Fetterman is, “Have some patience with the man.”  The depression that follows strokes is treatable.  Let’s see what happens in the next few weeks before we panic and demand his resignation.  

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Is the pandemic over?

The Republican House was thinking about declaring the Covid pandemic over.  Maybe they already did.  I know they plan on investigating Dr. Fauci.  

Unfortunately there is one group, and I’m in it, that is still dying.  In January 2100 Americans between the ages of 65 to 74 died from Covid.  More than 3,500 of the 75 to 84 year-olds died  (My cohort.)  Nearly 5000 died from Covid in the age group over 85.   Those three groups accounted for about 90% of the nation’s Covid deaths in January.

The Republicans are holding hearings on near misses at airports in the last few months.  In those near misses, nobody died.  

Info from Paula Span, “The Pandemic Rolls On For a Certain Group,” The New York Times, (Feb. 14, 2023).

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Scolding Gov. Shapiro

Gov. Shapiro recently was seen at a courtside seat at a pro basketball game.  According the the newspaper reports, the ticket he received (from a lobbyist?) was very expensive.  Shapiro’s office said that Shapiro was holding a “political meeting.”  Here is the letter I am sending tomorrow:

Dear Governor Shapiro:

The basketball courtside ticket for a “political meeting” has damaged your reputation for integrity and honesty.  It was not a good way to begin your administration.  I am saying this as a supporter who worked very hard in the campaign in Carbon County, putting your literature at hundreds of homes in Summit Hill, Nesquehoning, and Jim Thorpe, and distributing literally hundreds of yard signs at homes around the county.

Please go back to the strict policy on gifts for Pennsylvania employees that Governor Wolf required.  I know some people thought those policies were somewhat over the top, but Wolf served for eight years without a scandal, something of a record in Pennsylvania.   

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley announced that she is running for the Republican nomination for the Presidency in 2024.

They could do worse.

They have done worse.

They will do worse.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Netanyahu and Modi

A recent study of rightist dictators found that for a complete takeover of the country and the destruction of democracy, the would be “populist” strongmen needed two terms.  It would take them that long to undermine the legislature and the judicial system.  

Note that Trump in the U.S. and Bolsonaro in Brazil were defeated after one term.  Unfortunately Modi in India and Netanyahu in Israel were elected to second terms.  Both are working avidly to destroy democracy, scapegoat minorities, and end the independence of the judiciary. 

I have been an admirer of both Israel and India since I was a teenager.  No longer.  It makes me sad to see what is happening in both of those former democracies.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Time to pick up a petition

If you live in Pennsylvania and you would like to run for Township Supervisor or Borough Council member, petitions are available on Feb. 14 at your County Registrar’s Office, and you have until March 9 to get the signatures.  You only need ten for municipal offices.

If you think you aren’t qualified, you probably haven’t been to a borough council or supervisors’ meeting lately.  I’m fairly sure you are qualified.

The problem is not that too many people run, but that not enough run.  If you have some problem-solving abilities, common sense, and patience with your fellow citizens, run for office.  School boards especially are crying out for candidates who reasonable and put educating children above some ideological hobby horse.  

Friday, February 10, 2023

Save Mauch Chunk Lake

Last evening I attended a meeting of the Jim Thorpe Borough Council.  Members are discussing whether to change the zoning on a piece of property near Mauch Chunk Lake, currently used for recreation and water supply for the town.  Both the borough’s Planning Commission and the County Planners have rejected a proposed development along the lake.

In the past I served on the Planning Commission of Towamensing Township.  There is a procedure to follow.  Plans come before the Planning Commission.  The plans are also reviewed by the Carbon County Planners to see whether or not they are in compliance with the County plan.  After recommendations by those two bodies, the plans go before the governing body, which in most cases approves what the planner recommended.  

I never heard our Board of Supervisors propose a zoning change to accommodate a property owner who was denied by the planners.  In some cases the decision was appealed to a Zoning Hearing Board, but that in itself had legal procedures to be followed.

The Jim Thorpe Council is not following these procedures.  The Mayor, who only votes in case of a tie, stated publicly at the meeting that he would not vote for a zoning change if the issue came before him on a tie vote.  Only one Council member was willing to say she would oppose a zoning change.  All the others sat silently. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

"Pussy-assed bitch"

Republican House members are holding hearings with Twitter executives attempting to show that Biden tried to influence Twitter to censor certain stories.  The hearing showed that Biden had done nothing of the sort.  Unfortunately for the Republican cause, the hearing also brought to light Trump’s attempt to bully Twitter into removing a post from the model Crissy Teigen after she tweeted that Trump was a “pussy-assed bitch.” 

Twitter did not remove Teigen’s post, and now she got another bite of the apple.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Serrano v. Priest

In 1971 the California Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case of Serrano v. Priest that the state system of funding schools through property tax was unfair to children in districts with low property values.  Kids in those poor districts simply were not receiving an equal education

Now, 52 years later, a Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court judge made a similar ruling on behalf of a number of districts where property values meant inadequate funding for kids in those districts.  One of the districts was Panther Valley in Carbon County.

Of course the Republican legislators, who for years have bleated about reforming property taxes, will now appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to allow the current unfair system to continue.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

No litter boxes in Palmerton schools

Did you ever know someone who said something so stupid that you just wanted to put your arm around his shoulder and say Bless Your Heart.  A Palmerton School Director recently paid for a sign on the town’s main street that said “No litter boxes.”  He was upset about transgender students and actually believed the internet spoof that some schools had installed litter boxes for students who self-identified as cats.  

Somebody needs to give this guy a hug and say, “Bless your heart.”

Monday, February 6, 2023

J.D. Vance to the rescue

A few days ago I thought about posting a call to all these buttholes who own assault rifles and ask why they didn’t go outside with their weapons, protect America, and shoot that nasty old Chinese balloon full of holes.

Then I heard that Sen. J. D. Vance posted a photo of himself carrying a gun and peering skyward.  A U.S. Senator!  This country needs therapy.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

A real threat to American secuirity

Everyone’s worried about the balloon.  Perhaps they should worry more about six Navy ships that don’t serve the purpose for which they were built.  The Navy wanted to scrap them and spend the money on missiles that would actually be used in wartime.  The money saved would have been in the billions.  

Unfortunately a group of congress members (whom I’ll bet never were even in the Navy) and defense contractors have lobbied to keep the ships.  I know that this kind of behavior is neither new nor patriotic.  It is disgusting.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Dancing in Tehran

You can see a video of a young couple dancing in Tehran.  In the background you can see the Azadi Tower.  The girl, Astiyazjh Haghighi, 21, and the boy, Amir Mohammad Ahmasdi, 22, are obviously having fun; Astiyazjhj’s hair, uncovered, is flying as she is twirled.

They were sentenced to five years in prison for “seditious acts.”  Everywhere in the world there are people intent on stamping out joy, and in many cases they are running governments.