A few words on the N.R.A.
I’m a member of the Palmerton Rod and Gun Club--have been for a number of years. I’ve been reading the Pennsylvania Game News since the Fifties. I know hunters, associate with hunters, have hunted myself. I’m 68 years old.
With all that experience and in all that time, I have NEVER known a hunter who hunts with a semi-automatic Glock pistol.
And now we will hear from the bullies at the N.R.A. and their Congressional lackies that guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Tell it to the six people who died in Tucson.
I know we have a right to bear arms. I also know that James Madison, who wrote the 2nd Amendment, was a rational man. I can say with assurance he would not agree with some thug claiming a right to carry an AK-47 to an Obama rally. Madison had no idea of the weaponry people would be toting around or the mayhem it could cause.
Surely any reasonable person would accept limits. No RPGs for example. No IEDs. No automatics. The problem is that the NRA is not reasonable, and, for all I know, supports the right to carry RPGs and build IEDs. It certainly supports the right to carry automatics.
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