Rich people don’t need government. They don’t need police; they live in gated communities with private security guards. They don’t need schools; they send their children to private academies. They don’t need health care; they can afford excellent medical care whenever they need it. They don’t need libraries; they can purchase books they want. They don’t need national parks; they vacation in exclusive resorts. They don’t need Social Security; they have millions socked away for their old age. They don’t ride public transportation, don’t know how food stamps work, can’t imagine unemployment compensation.
This is why the political party that caters to rich people can confidently call for ending health care reform, Social Security, public education, and just about every government program currently operating. And this is why that party wants to cut taxes--why should its followers pay for programs they never need anyway?
This philosophy makes a positive of greed and selfishness. If you have money, you must deserve it, even if you inherited it. If you don’t, you must somehow deserve your lower status. Followers of Ayn Rand, Ronald Reagan, and the current House leadership believe this completely.
Right now what we are seeing is class warfare, and I think you can guess which class is winning.
What is your definition of rich?