Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Corbett, the spiteful governor

Today’s Morning Call had a front-page article discussing Governor Corbett’s newly imposed limits on the state’s renewable energy programs and curtailing state agencies assigned to promote green energy.  The administration also has “...forbidden state executive agencies from signing contracts that support clean energy supply.”
These policies are difficult to believe.  It reminds me of a child who says, “I’ll show you,” just before he does something really dumb.  To stop investment in renewable energy will put Pennsylvania at the back of the line for energy innovation and green jobs.  We already have Pennsylvania businesses putting up solar panels and operating wind farms.  Why not support them?
Future generations will look back on this period with amazement at the lost opportunities.  Corbett, of course, won’t be around to see the environmental disasters he helped to create. 

1 comment:

  1. It appears all Gov. Corbett cares about is how much money he can stuff his pockets with from the Gas companies. Everything he does sides with the Gas companies.
