Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Toomey comes to Carbon County

I’ve been a Republican twice in my life.  Once was in California in 2000 when I registered Republican so I could vote for McCain over Bush in the spring primary.  The second time was in 2004 when I crossed over to support Arlen Specter running in the Republican primary against a right-wing ideologue named Pat Toomey.  I don’t regret either of those votes. 
I’ve heard Toomey in a debate against Sestak in Allentown.   He was a better debater.  He is intelligent, glib, and easy with the crowd.  He is also immoral, a tool of the wealthy, a man who never manufactured anything or contributed anything to society, making his living as a hedge fund Wall Street currency manipulator.
He thinks his Wall Street credentials make him some sort of financial expert. They don’t. He isn’t.  
Tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. he is going to be at Penn’s Peak.  Penn’s Peak is part of the Fred Reinhart octopus that includes PenTeleData, the Penn’s Peak radio station, the Times News, and the cable company.  
Toomey’s appearance is sponsored by the 9/12 project, a Glenn Beck claque that, I believe, is able to use Penn’s Peak whenever it wants to and may even be funded by the Reinhard family, although I have no way of knowing that for sure, since they don’t release their financial statements.
Am I attending?  I have a doctor’s appointment, which I will try to rush through so I can at least get there in time to ask a question, which is:  Why do you support tax cuts for the rich and oppose an extension of the payroll tax break?  Toomey’s answer will be glib and sound intelligent, but it won’t be truthful.  A truthful answer would be, “because I represent rich people, not peons like you.”  

1 comment:

  1. I was there. I noticed that there were both supporters and Non-supporters in attendance. Mostly supporters of Toomey.
    During his opening comments he related to his families recent outing on the beautiful Lehigh river. Unfortunately he is too young to remember the river when it was loaded with Acid mine water,coal dirt and sewage. I do. As a kid growing up in Lehighton we were never allowed to go into the water for our safety sake. Thanks to the EPA that created many rules and regulations that Toomey wants to gut.
    We would not have this beautiful river today.
    BOth my father and grand father were active in the 50's with the Lehigh River restoration group.
