Republican candidates are attacking the courts for “judicial activism.” Rick Santorum wants to abolish the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. He says it is “consistently radical.” Rick Perry proposes term limits on federal judges, which means a constitutional amendment. Newt Gingrich would take away payment for clerks for the courts he finds offensive. Michelle Bachman would remove whole areas of jurisdiction, like gay marriage, from the purview of the federal courts.
None of the Republican candidates have mentioned the activism of the U.S. Supreme Court in “Citizens United,” in which the Court has said that corporations are like individuals and can contribute as much as they want to candidates. The “Citizens United” decision has skewed the entire electoral process and pretty much guaranteed that corporate interests will dominate American politics into the future.
I don’t know about you, but I am getting really tired of Republican candidates. I wish they would just go away. Really far away.
How about Uz-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan!