Some months ago at a Big Creek Grange meeting, one of the local farmers told me that the EPA was planning to levy a fine on farmers who created dust when they cultivated or harrowed their fields. I told him flat out that was nonsense, but recently Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain raised this “issue,” and a number of farm state Republican congressman have been scaring people with similar claims.
You’ve heard of urban myths. This was a rural myth. Now EPA chief Lisa Jackson, in a letter to two senators, said flat out that the EPA will not expand its current air quality standards to include dust that comes from agricultural operations. Last week the EPA also issued a press release that said “EPA hopes that this action finally puts an end to the myth that the agency is planning to expand regulations on farm dust.”
I obtained this information from the latest issue of Lancaster Farming. There is no higher authority.
This is the standard operation by the right wing extremists. If you tell a lie often enough, people will consider it the truth. Sadly those who don't bother to get educated on issues will continue to believe the lies. Farmers are being swift boated.