We are listening to Truman, David McCullough’s Pulitizer-Prize-winning biography, read by the author himself. I’ve always admired Truman, and the book is increasing my admiration considerably.
One of the most striking aspects of the book is the way Republicans and Democrats in Congress were able to work together and respect each other. Here’s a small example. During his Senate career Truman chaired a special Senate committee to investigate inefficiencies and fraud in military contracts. The committee, which included Republicans and Democrats, did an amazing amount of work, saving billions of dollars and the lives of many soldiers. The committee reports were approved by unanimous vote. These were members of Congress who put the country ahead of partisan advantage. What a concept.
Partisan is spelled a number of different ways. Norquist, Rove, Koch, Gingrich, etc. The people can thank all of them for the current state of partisan politics going on in this country.