Saturday, December 31, 2011

Republicans compared

The New York Times today had a two page spread comparing the Republican candidates on issues.  I’m not including the link--it is too depressing for anyone to read.  Candidates were compared on abortion, taxes and spending, regulation, entitlements, Afghanistan, torture, Iran, energy and the environment, and immigration.  
Amazingly, almost every candidate is somewhat reasonable on one of those issues.  For example, Rickie Santorum says that mass deportations are not the answer to illegal immigrants, Ron Paul says flat out that waterboarding is torture, and Romney admits the world is getting warmer, although he is not sure human activities are responsible.  Of the seven candidates, only Michelle Bachman was absolutely terrible on every issue.
If you are a Republican reading this (or if you are a Democrat who is thinking about re-registering for the primary season), here is my latest ranking from least to most objectionable.
Huntsman--an intelligent and relatively reasonable conservative, who, because he is both intelligent and reasonable, is running last in the polls.
Paul--he’d legalize marijuana.  I know he’d get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank, but on free speech and torture he’s good.  On the other hand, he violates his libertarian principles by his opposition to abortion.
Romney--the probable nominee, but I understand why so many Republicans don’t like him.  He is a slimy guy, a liar, and a trimmer.  The only reason I’d put him third is because he might be better as president than he is now, although he might be worse.
Perry--we have already had a really dumb president from Texas.  One is more than enough.
Gingrich--as one of the Romney attack ads says, this guy has more baggage than the airlines.  He creeps me out.
Santorum--he would be at home as one of the enforcers in the Spanish Inquisition.  
Stacked up against these seven, President Obama is so good.  I have been critical of the President in the past on a number of issues, but given his Republican opposition, we must reelect him.  We must.
Finally, Happy New Year!  

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