Saturday, August 4, 2012

Blogging for Dummies

That’s the title of the book I’m currently reading.  It's somewhat over my head, but I'm learning a few things.  For example, I should post a list of my favorite blogs.  Arrogant guy that I am, I don’t read any.
The author also notes that I can link posts to Facebook and Twitter, but I don’t see how I can do that when I am not connected to either one.
According to the book, I should be adding photos to make the posts more interesting, but I don’t have a digital camera. 
Links are said to be important.  I agree I need more of that.  Last night’s posting, for example, should have had the Tax Policy Center’s site listed.  I’ll try to do more of that.
Finally, the author said that one of the ideas of the blogging universe is to create a dialogue.  He suggested that when people comment on an entry, the blogger should respond.  I just don’t feel very comfortable in doing that.  I will say that I like comments, read them, and mull them over.  I thank you for them.


  1. I would love for you to comment. On our comments. I am always curious to know what you think of what I think! Also, I would like to see you continue to series on Socialism and why it never took in the US. Also, I would like to hear your opinion on in one inequality. Finally, your doing a great job. This blog is making me smarter.

  2. ** income inequality. I hate commenting on my IPad.
